Hours of Admission
Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Sunday – Closed May to October Reopen Sundays starting November 6th.
Monday – Closed
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Welcome to Heathcote Botanical Gardens2023-11-15T20:35:17-05:00



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Welcome to Heathcote Botanical Gardens

A plant nursery on Heathcote Street in Scarsdale, New York, was the earliest seed of what has grown and blossomed into Heathcote Botanical Gardens.

Like many New Yorkers, the business was transplanted to Florida. In 1960 owners Jim and Mollie Crimmins moved the business from its original Florida location on west Orange Avenue to its current Fort Pierce site on Savannah Road.

Then in 1972 the Crimmins moved their family home from Delaware Avenue to the nursery site. Now known as Heathcote House, the Crimmins’ home was built around 1922.

Today the Frame Vernacular Style structure sits graciously amid old live oaks. Its second-floor balcony, Dade County pine floors, and quaint fireplace all add to its charm. It presently houses administrative offices. In 2001 the City Commission passed a resolution to designate it as a Historically Significant Site based on its architectural characteristics and ties to the life of the community.

The Heathcote Botanical Gardens’ Mission:

To educate and inspire by providing a place of botanical beauty and to serve as a resource for the conservation of our environment.

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Memberships start at just $45 per year and Heathcote members enjoy a variety of benefits…


Our News and Events

Garden Rental

Heathcote Botanical Garden rents its outdoor space for weddings, meetings, parties and other social gatherings/events. Visit the Garden and meet with our staff before making a reservation!

  • The Garden can accommodate a maximum of 200 people per event.
  • When events are scheduled during regular operating hours, the grounds will remain open to the public.
  • Events scheduled outside normal operating hours incur an after-hours fee of $75. Our operating hours are noted on the home page of our website.
  • Since Heathcote cannot provide chairs, tables, and tents, we will gladly supply names of rental companies familiar with our Garden. Please plan on using only unbreakable drinking containers.
  • Heathcote will provide electrical outlets, trash containers and recycling bins. A dumpster also will be provided for events 6 hours in length, with more than 50 guests.
  • To greet a newlywed couple or guest of honor, blowing bubbles or releasing butterflies are encouraged. Confetti, birdseed and rice are not allowed as they create a garden nuisance.
  • Heathcote is a SMOKE FREE environment. Smoking is only permitted at designated areas outside the Main Gate or north of the Rest Rooms.

Heathcote Botanical Reviews & Testimonials

Elijah HenryElijah Henry
3 years ago
We went to a botanical garden in Miami earlier this week, and that one was much better. However, this one was indeed lovely. The bonsai exhibit and the reflection garden are worth the visit. We also particularly enjoyed the butterfly garden. For young children or those inclined to whimsy, the enchanted forest is delightful. My wife also loved playing on the xylophone, and of course she wants you to know this, gentle reader.
Evelyn PlaEvelyn Pla
3 years ago
Absolutely love this garden!It is quaint and manageable to enjoy in a short amount of time, but also invites you to linger as it has plenty of places to sit and enjoy the birds, butterflies, squirrels, and of course all the wonderful plants.The gift shop has unique items for garden lovers, and they sell plants too!The children’s area includes a lovely fairy garden and lots of hands on fun for curious little ones.The bonsai collection is beautifully displayed and inspired me to start a bonsai plant of my own.Can’t say enough about this wonderful little gem!
Troy C.Troy C.
3 years ago
We were very happy to find this tucked away spot. We were greeted by Susan who was very friendly. The female cat led us through the whole gardens practically. Next time I'll start at the Japanese garden first. There bonsai collection is stunning.Veterans free. We got off the path and meet two botanist trying to save the world's citrus blight, naturally. We learned so much about lady bugs/beetles and the different kinds which are a lot. My favorite is the mold eating black and white lady bug. My only request would be to relabel the plants. Many are sun bleached white and blank.Download a leaf identifier app. Some cool plants here
3 years ago
These are relatively small gardens that manage to fit in quite a lot of beauty. Everything is laid out nicely and it's pretty easy to find your way around. We also got to pet Hilgi, one of the resident cats.
3 years ago
I went with my family to the Garden of Lights this year and absolutely loved it. Fun for the whole family. My nephew had a blast looking for the animals on our seek and find throughout the garden, Santa 🤶 🎅, lots of great picture 📸 spots; they even had a wood maker making each kid a top. I definitely recommend.


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