Turning Problem Spaces into Featured Places
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Kate Rotindo
Tired of high maintenance lawns? A beautiful lawn can be an appealing part of your home landscape, but sometimes turf-grass doesn’t perform as well as you would like. A variety of ground covers and plants can be used to replace these areas.
Ground covers are low-growing plants used within a landscape. Selecting which types of plants are appropriate for you depends on a variety of factors (e.g., location within your yard, soil conditions, etc.).
This workshop will cover how to choose plants and ground covers that are appealing to the eyes and take little effort.
Presented by Kate Rotindo, Urban Horticulture Agent for St. Lucie County UF-IFAS.
Free to HBG members and master gardeners; Regular admission price for non-members.
Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch.
Call to register: 772-464-4672